High quality air is of vital importance to many industries but even more in breathing air applications like pharmaceutical manufacturing and spray painting.
Our BAP(+) breathable air purifiers are designed to offer protection against a range of contaminants that may be present in a compressed air fed breathing air system. These include contaminants such as fumes, oil, vapor, gases, solid particles and micro-organisms. Complying with international breathing air standards, the BAP ranges assures a safe working environment.
Assured purity
Our BAP(+) takes air from any type of compressor and converts it into ultra clean breathing quality air.
Small footprint
Our BAP’s design allows you to make the most of the space available. Reduces complexity and cost of installation substantially.
Easy installation
Every BAP(+) breathing air purifier gets delivered pre-assembled and tested to provide easy installation.
International compliance
Our breathing air purifier complies with a wide range of standards and regulations, such as OSHA Grade D, NFPA-99, CSA Z180.1-00, CGA G7.1-1997, EN 12021, BS 4275, ISO 14971, OHSAS 18001, European Pharmacopeia and other International Breathing Air Standards.
Peace of mind in real life conditions
We test and subject our BAP(+) to maximum concentrations reported by governments worldwide.